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Home stable at Aniek’s

Horses at home

Four private stalls at home. Where you make your own choices in the management and care of the horses. That was Aniek’s big wish. That wish came true with the choice of a new house, where the barn could be converted into her ideal stable.

Stable India

For her stables, Aniek chose India from VDO Stables. Robust and luxurious, made with bamboo boards.

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From all-in boarding stable to 'do it yourself' stabling

Aniek is al jaren actief in de dressuursport en heeft meerdere paarden gehad. Door uiteenlopende redenen heeft Aniek periodes dat ze heel fanatiek rijdt en periodes waarin ze niet rijd. Haar paarden hebben bij diverse pensionstallen gestaan. Van all-in pensionstal tot ‘doe het zelf’ stalling. Afhankelijk van de behoeftes van het paard, het niveau van rijden en haar eigen wensen, koos Aniek een stalling die het beste bij de combinatie paste. Altijd in de buurt, in Nuland, Geffen of Lithoijen.

Variety gives experience

Thanks to the variety of places Aniek has stood with her horses in recent years, she has seen a lot that she would not choose to do herself, but also knew exactly what she did want. Spacious stables with outside hatches. And a desire for low front walls. In the management of her horses, Aniek finds sufficient roughage, social contact and freedom of movement very important. The horses are therefore outside as much as possible in a paddock with adjoining meadows and a shelter and are given extra hay when they are inside at night.

Barn becomes horse stable

Aniek shares a love of horses with her mother and her niece. When buying a house, location was therefore especially important. Not too far for her mother from Geffen and her niece from Nuland. And, of course, there had to be enough land. For a riding arena, stables and pastures. That’s how Aniek ended up at a farm. The old pig barn was cleared out and converted into a horse stable. And that was done first, even before tackling the living quarters. Because, says Aniek, “That mortgage was already there, and having the horses at home saves costs for boarding anyway”.

When designing the four stables, the existing dimensions of the barn had to be taken into account. In consultation with VDO Stables, it was decided to give two of the four stables a low front wall. The other two stables have a high, closed front wall. In this way, Aniek did not have to make any concessions in the size of the stables and a tack room and spacious washing area could be installed. We made optimal use of the space in the stables.

Aniek's choices

The stalls at Aniek’s house are custom-made to make the best use of the space in the barn. Spotlights were placed on the outside for a nice effect at dusk and in the dark. And the barn doors are closed at the top, so you don’t look into the attic from outside. A few more specific choices by Aniek:

  1. Bamboo combined with dark wood
  2. Two front walls with lowered section
  3. Two high front walls
  4. Extra locking of the doors
  5. Stable windows
  6. Washing area with hot and cold water
  7. Drainage in the stables and in the washing area
  8. Swept concrete

Stables India

The stables we built at Aniek’s are our stables India. With low front walls, bamboo combined with dark wood and extra locking doors. Customisation is always possible and there is a lot to choose from with each product.

Do you already have an idea of how you want your stables to be built? We like to think along with you. Click through below to stables India, which Aniek also chose, and see the possibilities.

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